Transforming Perspectives: A Reflection on Impact, Community, and the Power of Speaking Out
On October 12th, my life changed dramatically. I attended an event I wasn’t invited to at the last minute as a favor. It was the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum at Guilford College, and the topic of the day was AI in Innovation: Questions of Ethics.
My life changed that day because I met Rama Chakaki, General Partner at Transform VC, an impact investing venture capital firm based in Silicon Valley. Rama caught my attention during the first session of the day, which was a panel about AI and Deep Tech Use in Local and Regional Government.
During the Q&A, Rama commented that because the government is slow moving and lacks transparency, many founders and startups do not consider the government as a stakeholder when using AI and to solve challenges. She asked the panel what they could do to make it appealing for deep tech companies to want to consider them as a stakeholder, and eventually work with the government?
The panelists didn’t really have an answer to that question, but a few minutes later I had the opportunity to comment. I shared that the government was set up to exclude people of color, and until it’s more reflective of the country we live in, we cannot expect it to be inclusive. There was a bit more color to my comments (I may have said “there are septuagenarians and octogenarians in the federal government…), and after I made my comments, everyone in the room clapped.
In the background at Guilford College unaware of how my life was about to change.
Later on Rama gave a fireside chat titled “Venture Capital from HER Perspective” where she explained she was on an Impact Roadshow for Transform VC. TVC’s mission is to invest in 1000 deep tech startups with a focus on social and climate impact to impact a billion and make a billion. I was hooked. We exchanged information right after her chat ended, and by the end of the day we had plans to meet the following week.
We met and learned more about each other, and before our Zoom meeting ended, Rama invited me to join the next fellowship cohort for Transform VC. I definitely wanted to accept the invitation, and because of decisions made beyond my control, I had the ability to say yes. A few weeks ago, Rama shared with me why she wanted me to join the team: because I am a young woman of color with a point of view who is not afraid to speak up and speak out about what’s right. She gets me.
Once I started the fellowship, I quickly jumped into planning mode for Transform VC’s first annual general meeting in San Francisco. My main role was to help with the marketing and communications efforts, and to shape the flow and feel of the event. As my knowledge, skills, and expertise became more apparent to Rama and Raed Masri, GP of Transform VC, they asked me to be the Master of Ceremonies for the event. This is not something I would have volunteered to do in the Triangle (I embarrass way too easily), but I was excited to do it in San Fran – no one knows me there!
It was a whirlwind from the moment I touched down in SF, to when I left two days later. I met many of my Transform VC team members and it immediately felt like a family reunion. Finally getting to meet Rama and Raed, my first TVC friend Jennie, and my sisters, Hend and Lara, was incredibly life-giving.
Meeting Hend, Lara, and Devin
Fast forward to the end of the event, and everyone – the Transform VC team and all of our guests – were happy and grateful our first AGM was a success. So many stories of impact were shared, our founders were highlighted, their work was validated, and numerous connections were made. Many people I met and connected with commented on my MC skills, my energy, and my insights. Everyone was grateful I joined the Transform VC team, and the feeling was, and remains, mutual. The whole event left me feeling overwhelmed, emotional, accomplished, and validated.
Interviewing the amazing Emna Ghariani
I’m realizing I must have a bigger purpose in life than I can imagine. For the past several years, I’ve been helping to tell economic development stories in North Carolina. Important work that’s been incredibly fulfilling. But inclusion and social justice on a much broader scale – that’s what I have the ability to have an impact on. And now that I’m free to choose the work, the projects, and most importantly, the people I want to work with, the world is my oyster.
I’ve learned that the well-intended knowledge, passion, energy, tenacity, directness, and perspective that I, Quinn E. Novels, bring to the conversation, is highly sought after, highly valuable, and highly valued by people who matter. I’m still the same person, doing and saying the same things. In glaring contrast to past experiences where I’ve been directed to sit quietly and conform, I’m now being celebrated and asked to speak louder for the people in the back. This is exactly where I want to be.
I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I do know I’m excited, open, and ready. And for those out there who might need this reminder: Don’t doubt yourself. Know your worth. Surround yourself with people who want to make your flame burn brighter and wouldn’t want to do anything to dim it. And this is for everyone: respect Black women. We have a point of view and we have important things to say. And when you listen to Black women, the entire world benefits.
Let’s go.
Really feelin’ my fit